Assigning an additional IPv4
Assigning an Additional IPv4
We are unable to cover all of the possible operating systems on this page, however we will be covering how to assign an additional IP on some of the Operating Systems we offer as standard on our machines.
Windows Server 2019
First of all log into your Remote Desktop Connection and go to the adapter icon in the bottom right. If you are unable to access your remote desktop connection you may have to use IPMI via our DCI Manager portal. You can see info on how to do that here:
Then navigate to Change Adapter Options, this will open up a Windows Vista era tab. There select the adapter you are using. For our Intel and Ryzen builds this will show up as some sort of Mellanox Ethernet adapter.
Once you have your adapter right click and go to Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties
Images for this article were taken from a virtualised instance of Windows Server 2019, adapter names will differ depending on hardware specifications
Proceed to click on Advanced which should open Advanced TCP/IP Settings.
In the IP settings tab, click Add.
Enter the correct IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask, then hit Add.
Then hit Ok in Advanced TCP/IP Settings & Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties.
Hit Close and you should be good to go.
Make sure to test the IP address is working, if you run into any problems along the way just make a ticket and we'll help you out.
Updated on: 22/03/2023
Thank you!