Articles on: Tutorials

How to install Pterodactyl with automated install

In this article we will be discussing the easiest way to install Pterodactyl on your machine from our management panel, DCI Manager, which you can reach by clicking the dedicated button in your service page through the customers portal as seen in the screenshot below:

Once clicked, it will auto-login in DCI Manager and you'll be presented with the following page:

click on the name of the server you'd wish to manage (you may have more listed, depending on how many services you have with us) - It's going to open up the management area of the selected server, from there, you will need to click on the three dots at the top right of the page "All operations", and you're going to select "Install OS from template"

Almost there, you can now select the OS you wish to install, in this case Ubuntu, and then the script to be executed which will be the Pterodactyl installation. You may have noticed that there are two possible options to choose, we'll explain in detail what both of them do

Pterodactyl installation scripts in detail:
Pterodactyl: this is the entire panel, it will install both the GUI accessible via a web browser, where you can manage users, servers, nodes, etc... as well as the wings daemon, which is the application that handles all of the docker containers for the servers. You will want to select this option if this is the first pterodactyl instance you're installing, or if you just want it to be standalone.
Pterodactyl (wings only): this is just the wings daemon, it will only handle docker containers and the actual gameservers, there will be no GUI installed. This is the option that you're going to select if you already have a master node with the GUI installed and just want to install an additional node to connect to it

once selected click "Next", type in the root password (or generate it), allow up to 20-35 minutes and you should be good to go! As always, feel free to hit us up with a support ticket if the installation stalls or takes longer than usual.

You are also going to need an additional firewall configuration in our Firewall Manager as follows:
Port 22/TCP - Filter "TCP Service (symmetric)": This will allow SSH connections on the default port
Port 2022/TCP - Filter "TCP Service (symmetric)": This will allow SFTP connections to the wings daemon, this port is used by default for all file transfer accounts of the game servers
Port 443/TCP - Filter "TCP Service (symmetric)": This will allow HTTPS connections to the Pterodactyl GUI interface, which you will be able to reach by visiting https://<server-ip>
Port 80/TCP - Filter "TCP Service (symmetric)": This will allow HTTP connections to the Pterodactyl GUI interface, not essentially needed, but by default it should serve as a redirect to HTTPS in case it gets visited in plain HTTP

You will also want to add any additional rules/filters for any of the gameservers you're going to host on the wings node. As an example, for a Minecraft: Java Edition server you're going to need:
Port 25565/TCP - Filter "Minecraft Java Edition Server (symmetric)"

Congratulations! You're now ready to rock with your new Pterodactyl installation

Updated on: 22/03/2023

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