Articles on: FiveM Guides

A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up Your FiveM Server

FiveM has taken the world of Grand Theft Auto V by storm, offering an enriched modding environment and a new way to experience the game. While the original GTA V offers countless hours of entertainment, the modding community has always clamored for more freedom and customization. Enter FiveM, a platform that enables players to experience GTA V with modifications, all in an online setting. If you're ready to dive into this world and set up your own FiveM server, then you're in the right place. Here's a detailed guide to get you started.

Understanding FiveM

FiveM began as a community-driven endeavor aimed at giving GTA V fans the ability to play with modifications. Initially known as Five Reborn, it eventually evolved into what we know today as FiveM. With a clear focus on maximizing modding capabilities, FiveM offers various game modes, scripts, vehicles, and other customizations without modifying the original GTA V files. This ensures you remain ban-free while enjoying an entirely new game experience. However, it's crucial to have the original GTA V game to run FiveM mods.

Why Opt for FiveM Over Vanilla Online?

The primary allure of FiveM is the extensive modding options. The GTA modding community consistently provides innovative projects, from new vehicles and textures to immersive missions and scripts. Those interested in role-playing also find a home within FiveM, given its widespread popularity in role-play servers.

Setting Up Your FiveM Server

If you're the kind of player who values autonomy and customization, creating your FiveM server is the logical next step. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Requirements:

A computer for hosting, preferably with a Windows installation. While there's a Linux version available, it's less supported and might face more issues.
Visual C++ Redistributable 2019 or newer and Git.
A valid FiveM license key. Remember, servers hosting up to 32 players are free. However, larger servers will have associated costs.


Begin by registering for a FiveM license key.
Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable and Git.
Follow the official FiveM walkthrough to install the server. This straightforward process should have your server up in about 10 minutes.


After installation, spend another 10 minutes setting up your server. This involves creating an admin user, selecting a template, and inputting your license key.

Modding Your Server:

Before you dive into modding, always back up your FiveM installation folder.
Add desired mods and scripts into your server's Resources folder.
Clear the cache from the main folder before activating the mods in the citmp-server.yml file.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

FiveM, like all modded platforms, may occasionally face issues, often stemming from incompatible or faulty mods.


If you're facing persistent problems, a fresh start might help.
- Use Windows' uninstallation feature to remove FiveM.
- Check for leftover files or folders. If they persist, examine your startup apps via the Task Manager and remove any references to FiveM. You can then attempt to delete the files again or use Safe Mode to do so.

In Conclusion

FiveM has breathed new life into GTA V, offering a playground for mod enthusiasts and those looking for a fresh multiplayer experience. Setting up your server is relatively straightforward, especially for those familiar with GTA V mods. Dive in, explore, and make the Los Santos of your dreams!

Updated on: 16/08/2023

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