Articles on: FiveM Guides

How to Create and Launch Your Customized FiveM Server for GTA V

Unleash the Power of GTA V Mods with Your Own FiveM Server

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) continues to be a fan-favorite, offering players an immersive online experience filled with endless options. For those who want to take it a step further, the modding community has been busy creating a variety of mods for both single-player and multiplayer experiences. To enjoy these modded multiplayer versions, players must utilize third-party modded servers like FiveM. In this article, we'll explore FiveM, its benefits, and how you can set up your own FiveM server for a unique and engaging gaming experience.

Introducing FiveM

FiveM began as a community project called Five Reborn, with the goal of allowing players to enjoy GTA V online with modifications. It evolved into FiveM, with the "M" representing modifications. FiveM enables maximum modding capabilities and supports numerous game modes, vehicles, weapons, scripts, server and world modifications, and more.

FiveM doesn't modify the original game files and doesn't interact with Rockstar Online, meaning you won't get banned for using it. However, you must own the original GTA V to run FiveM modifications, as the FiveM launcher will verify this before allowing you to start the modded game.

The Appeal of FiveM Over Vanilla Online

The primary reason players choose FiveM over vanilla online is the extensive modding opportunities. The GTA modding community offers a plethora of projects, from new cars and updated textures to improved weapons, new missions, and scripts. If you're a fan of modded games or want to explore GTA V in a new light with friends, FiveM is an excellent choice. It's also popular for role-playing servers.

FiveM Server Lists and Licensing

Players often search for FiveM server lists, and there's no shortage of options. Some servers focus on role-playing, while others cater to races and new content or prioritize chaos with crazy mods.

FiveM can ban servers that violate its rules or operate without a license. Servers with up to 32 players are free, but you'll need to pay a monthly fee for larger servers: $15 for 33-64 players and $50 for 65-128 players. Regardless of the server size, you must obtain a license.

Creating Your Own FiveM Server

If you prefer not to rely on others' servers, you can create your own. You'll need a computer to host the server, but cloud or dedicated servers offer optimal hardware and minimize issues for a large number of players. Plus, you'll benefit from low latency and high-speed bandwidth from a top-notch data center.

When creating a FiveM server, it'll be added to the official FiveM server list, allowing players to find and join it. Remember not to profit from the server, as it's intended for fun. You can also run a private server for invited friends only.

A suitable cloud server can cost as little as 18 EUR per month, with a free FiveM license for up to 32 players. You'll need 4GB-8GB of RAM for 32 players, and even less for smaller groups.

We recommend using a Windows installation for your FiveM server, as the Linux version receives less support.

Setting Up Your FiveM Server

The official walkthrough for setting up a FiveM server can be found here. Make sure to register for a license key and install Visual C++ Redistributable 2019 or newer along with Git. The entire process should take about 10 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes to set up the server admin user, admin pass, and choose a template.

To add mods to your server, first create a complete backup copy of the FiveM installation folder. This allows for a quick restoration if a mod causes issues. Next, add the mods and scripts to the Resources folder of your FiveM server files. Before doing so, delete the cache from the main folder, then activate the mods in the citmp-server.yml file found in the server's main folder.

Uninstalling FiveM

If FiveM encounters issues due to a faulty mod or another problem, uninstalling and reinstalling everything might help. Start by using the standard Windows uninstall options. Note that some files may remain after the uninstall process, and you might encounter errors when trying to delete FiveM folders.

To resolve this, review the apps that start with Windows through the Task Manager's Startup tab. Remove any FiveM references and restart your system. If the issue persists, try starting Windows in Safe Mode and deleting the remaining files from there.

In Conclusion

Setting up a FiveM server is relatively simple, especially if you have experience installing mods on GTA V. By creating your own server, you can enjoy a customized, immersive gaming experience with friends and fellow players. So get started and have fun exploring the world of GTA V mods on your very own FiveM server!

Updated on: 10/04/2023

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