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Mastering Building Decay Configuration on Your Rust Server

How to Expertly Manage Building Decay on Your Rust Server


Managing building decay on your Rust server is essential to maintain a balanced gameplay experience. By adjusting the decay settings, server owners can control the rate at which player-built structures deteriorate, ensuring optimal performance and maintaining an active server environment. In this guide, we'll show you how to configure building decay settings and explore additional variables for fine-tuning the decay process.

Configuring Basic Decay Settings

Follow these steps to adjust the decay rate using the server.cfg configuration file:

Access and stop your server.
Navigate to Files > Config Files.
Click server.cfg.
Enter decay.scale followed by your desired value. For example, decay.scale "0.5" sets a decay rate of 50%, while decay.scale "0" disables it entirely.
Save and start your server.

Advanced Decay Configuration Options

To further customize building decay on your Rust server, consider adjusting these additional variables:

decay.upkeep_grief_protection: Set the duration in minutes before a base begins to decay after TC is gone/destroyed Default 1440 (24 hours)
decay.upkeep_period_minutes: Determines the time (in minutes) how long the upkeep will last. Default 1440 (24 hours)
decay.duration_toptier: Sets the duration (in minutes) for top-tier structures to decay without upkeep protection. Default 12 hours
decay.duration_metal: Sets the duration (in minutes) for metal structures to decay without upkeep protection. Default 8 hours
decay.duration_stone: Sets the duration (in minutes) for stone structures to decay without upkeep protection. Default 5 hours
decay.duration_wood: Sets the duration (in minutes) for wood structures to decay without upkeep protection. Default 3 hours
decay.duration_twig: Sets the duration (in minutes) for twig structures to decay without upkeep protection. Default 1 hour

By fine-tuning these settings, server owners can create a balanced decay system that caters to their server's unique needs and player preferences.


Configuring building decay on your Rust server is an important aspect of server management, and with the right settings, you can create an engaging and dynamic gameplay experience. Whether you're looking to speed up or slow down decay, or disable it entirely, this guide has you covered. Happy building!

Updated on: 10/04/2023

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