Enhance Your Rust Server with the Popular Stack Size Controller Plugin
A Comprehensive Guide to Installing and Using Stack Size Controller
Plugin Available on Umod: https://umod.org/plugins/stack-size-controller
This plugin is only allowed on Modded Rust servers
Rust is an exciting and immersive game that offers players countless hours of entertainment. Server owners have the opportunity to enhance their Rust servers by installing and utilizing popular plugins like Stack Size Controller by AnExiledDev. This plugin allows you to set the maximum stack size for every item in Rust, improving inventory management and overall gameplay experience. In this article, we will explore the features, installation process, and usage of the Stack Size Controller plugin.
Section 1: Key Features of the Stack Size Controller Plugin
1.1 Flexible Stack Size Configuration
With Stack Size Controller, you can set stack sizes for almost every item in Rust. The configuration file automatically populates the items and enables you to modify stacks globally, by category, or individually.
1.2 Quality of Life Commands
The plugin offers several convenient commands that allow you to search all items, list categories, and view both vanilla and custom stack rates for items.
1.3 Auto-updating Item List
StackSizeController automatically updates the item list in the configuration file whenever new items are detected, ensuring that your plugin stays up-to-date.
Section 2: Installing Stack Size Controller
2.1 Installation Steps
To install the Stack Size Controller plugin, follow these simple steps:
Place the plugin in the oxide/plugins folder.
Start your server and wait for StackSizeController to load.
Open the configuration file and modify the settings as needed. Individual stack sizes can be set in the configuration under the value "IndividualItemStackSize."
Reload the plugin using the command "o.reload StackSizeController" in the console.
Section 3: Using the Stack Size Controller Console Commands
3.1 Command Overview
The Stack Size Controller plugin offers several console commands to help you manage stack sizes efficiently. These commands include:
3.2 Command Usage Examples
To effectively use the Stack Size Controller plugin, it is essential to understand how to use each command. Here are some examples:
stacksizecontroller.itemsearch: Searches item display names, descriptions, and short names, returning an organized list of results.
Example: stacksizecontroller.itemsearch pic
stacksizecontroller.listcategories: Lists all item categories in the game.
Example: stacksizecontroller.listcategories
stacksizecontroller.listcategoryitems: Lists items within a specific category.
Example: stacksizecontroller.listcategoryitems Weapons
stacksizecontroller.setstack: Sets the maximum stack limit or multiplier for a specific item.
Example: stacksizecontroller.setstack generator.wind.scrap 5 (Hard limit) or stacksizecontroller.setstack wood 20x (Multiplier)
stacksizecontroller.setstackcat: Changes the stack multiplier for a specific category.
Example: stacksizecontroller.setstackcat resources 20
stacksizecontroller.setallstacks: Changes the stack multiplier for all categories.
Example: stacksizecontroller.setallstacks 10
The Stack Size Controller plugin offers Rust server owners a valuable tool for managing inventory and enhancing gameplay. By understanding its features, installation process, and console commands, you can optimize your Rust server and provide a better experience for your players. Upgrade your server with Stack Size Controller today and enjoy improved inventory management and customization.
Updated on: 10/04/2023
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